1. Do you have a plan for the next five years?
2. What type of plans would a leader have for a country for five years?
3. How could a leaders 5 year plan be a positive or a negative for the poepl of that country?
I. Establishment of a Totalitarian State.
A. When one political party has total control
1. Leader of the party has absolute control (Stalin)
B. Suppressed opposition
1. Use of secret police
2. “Purges” – exile or kill suspected enemies within the Communist Party
C. Government control of newspapers, radio, T.V., magazines
1. Use of propaganda
II. Social aspects of Communism
A. Individual rights (though in the constitution) mean nothing
B. Equality for women
1. Workforce, salaries, etc.
C. Public education for all
D. Religious teachers persecuted. Atheists.
III Economic Plans
A. Five Year Plans 1928-58
1. Designed to build up industry and agriculture.
2. Only the Heavy industry focused on Iron, Steel, Chemical and Electrical…etc.
B. Central Planning Agency GOSPLAN
1. Command Economy- makes quotas which industries & factories must meet in a 5 year period.
2. Incentives prizes and medals awarded as well as higher wages for those who out perform.
C. Problems
1. Neglected consumer production such as food clothing, housing… etc
VI Collective Farms
A. All land combined
1. Farmers worked land together
2. each with a special job
3. quotas to be met
B. Problems:
1. Crop failure 1931-32
2. Kulaks: wealthier farmers who protested. Killed their animals.
a. Millions executed or sent to Siberia (approximately 10 million died)
V. Communes
A. Huge farms – 100’s or 1,000’s work
B. Live together
C. Failed
AIM: How did the Mongols create a great land empire?
15 years ago
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