Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Aim: Why did imperialism begin in the 1800's?

Do Now: What is New Imperialism?

• New Imperialism- 1870-1914 Nationalism produces strong, centrally governed states. Industrial Revolution made economies stronger as well. Japan, the US, and industrialized nations become more aggressive with a need to expand. New Imperialism was focused mainly on Asia and Africa because declining empires, local wars, and the slave trade (Africa) had weakened many states.

Nationalism-A feeling of pride in and devotion to ones country

Belief in European Superiority
•Racism—belief that one race is better than others
•Social Darwinism—survival of the fittest applied to human society
• “White Man’s Burden” – a poem by Rudyard Kipling expressed the idea that white imperialists had a moral duty to educate people in nations that were considered less developed.

Militarism-the glorification of military power.

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