Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aim: How did John Locke change the way people think about government?

Do Now:
1. What were the main ideas of Thomas Hobbes?
2. What type of government would he support?
3. What were the main ideas of John Locke?
4. What type of government would he support?

Do Now: Is it better to be loved or feared as a leader?
John Locke : Major beliefs - natural rights, life, liberty (freedom), property (stuff).Government : Democracy
Thomas Hobbes: Major beliefs - People are selfish and greedy. To avoid chaos people must give up their freedom to the government to ensure order.Government: Absolutism

The Enlightenment
1. believing that every natural phenomenon had a cause and effect
2. a belief that truth is arrived at by reason
3. believing that natural law governed the universe
4. progress would always take place

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